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The Stellar Gateway Mandala

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The circle of life is pretty much like a mandala. We start from the centre, a seed. We grow from that seed, draw many lines as we move into various experiences. Some lines become permanent, some have to be erased and that's alright. We needed to draw that guiding line, without which we could not get to where we are. When we feel like giving up, just take a break, relax and pick up from where we left off, continue the journey. Self-development is an ongoing journey. It is easier to give up when faced with challenges but if we give up, we don't get to enjoy the bliss on the other side. That's the beauty of suffering. It takes you to another level you didn't know existed.

Many lines in our lives are not meant to be permanent. They are our guiding lines. We must learn to happily let go of those lines in gratitude for the purpose they served, in that we can continue to design and create our lives.


This artwork is titled 'Stellar Gateway'. This is my vision of how we all look from above through our 7th, 8th and 9th chakras, our stellar gateway, the gateway to our divine selves. Through the eyes of consciousness, we are all stars, flowers and light.

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